Thursday 3 December 2015

Rasmalai - North Indian


Panneer    :    2 ½ litre
Milk    :    1½ litre 
Sugar    :    2¼ kilo
Badam    :    50 gm
Pista    :    50 gm
Rose essence    :    a few drops
Cardamom powder    :    1 tsp
Silver foil    :    a little


Cut badam, pista into pieces.
Knead panneer with hands to make it soft.
Make small balls and shape the balls into a vada. 
Mix a litre of water with 2 kilo sugar in a vessel and when it dissolves, heat it.
When it starts boiling, add a cup of water.
Add vadas slowly and boil for 5 minutes.
Add ½ cup of water, boil for 5 minutes.
Add ½ cup of water.
After 5 minutes, add another ½ cup of water.
After 5 minutes, the panneer vadas will float on top.
Add 2 cups of water, remove the vessel from the stove and cover it with a lid.
Leave it overnight to soak.
The next day, mix ¼ kilo sugar with milk and boil.
Boil on a low flame, stirring all the while.
When the milk is ¾ thick, remove the vessel from the stove and let the contents cool.
When cool mash it with a spoon.
Remove the vadas from the syrup, roll in silver foil and place in thick milk.
Add rose essence, badam, pista pieces and cardamom powder.
Serve, after the vadas have been soaked for an hour. 

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