Tuesday 5 January 2016

Cheese fondue


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1 white French baguette, cubed
1 clove of garlic, peeled and crushed
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
350 ml Sauvignon Blanc - dry white wine
300g grated Gruyère cheese
300g grated Emmental cheese
1 teaspoon cornflour
3 tablespoons Kirsch
Freshly ground black pepper, grated nutmeg, paprika to taste


On the stove, not the silly little burner they usually provide with the sets. This is only designed for keeping it warm and liquid after it has melted.
Add the wine and bring it to the boil
Turn down the heat and add both of the cheeses a little at a time, stirring, until it's has all melted and is properly combined.
Add the crushed garlic (I now concur with User:JuliaBalbilla on this, don't mess with rubbing it round the pan and then discarding it, chuck it all in!)
Mix the Kirsch and lemon juice into the cornflour and add to the cheese. Cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring, until it has thickened
Add the spices
Move the pot to the burner on the table
Spear the bread on to fondue forks and dip into the cheese
Crank up Donna Summer's "Love to love you, baby" and get your party started!

Serve with a bowl of dill pickles and pickled onions
Serve with crispy jacket potatoes

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