Saturday 2 January 2016

Kadhi Chawal - Vegetarian

Ingredients (quantity)

Gram flour —50 grams, Cluster beans (gavar) 100gms, Okra 100gms, Drum stick 100gms, 2 tomatoes, Potato 50gms (optional), Yam (suran) 100gms, Brijal 100gms, Lotus roots 100gms (optional), Water 4-5glasses

For Tempering - 

Oil 2tbps, Cumin seeds 1tps, Fenugreek seeds 1tps, Red chilli powder 1tps, Turmeric powder 1tps, Curry leaves 6-7 leaves, Ginger 1 inch

Start cooking

Take the oil in a vessel and heat it, then add cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds and at the end put gram flour. Put it on Medium flame and keep stiring for 10-15 minutes. Most important step is stiring so that the gram flour does not burn. after some time the colour should change to light brown and there will be slight fragrance. Add four glasses of water, add turmeric powder, red chilles and salt to taste. Keep stirring till it boils and there should not be any lumps. Add all the vegetables (except Okra), ginger and curry leaves. Okra needs to be fried before adding. After adding the above vegie, let it boil until all the vegetables are done. If you like the tangy flour, then add the tamarind pulp at this time.

About 10-15 gms should do. Tamarind needs to soaked in water for 15 mins to get the pulp. approx can do this just before you start cooking.

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