Thursday 17 March 2016

Difference Between a King Snake and a Coral Snake

Eastern Coral Snake:  related to Cobras, highly venomous. 
- Wide red and black bands with a yellow stripe between them. 
- The red bands are usually spotted with black. 
- Bands encircle the body, continuing on the belly. 
- Bands: Yellow-Red-Yellow-Black-Yellow-Red ... 
- The snout is blunt and black. 
- The head is black from top of snout to just behind the ears. 
- Scales are smooth and shiny.

Scarlet King Snake:  non-venomous. 
- Wide red bands, separated by wide black bands. 
- Every pair of black bands has a narrow yellow stripe between them. 
- Bands encircle the body, continuing on the belly. 
- Bands: Yellow-Black-Red-Black-Yellow-Black ... 
- The snout is red and pointed. 
- Scales are smooth.

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