Thursday 6 October 2016

East Frisian Tea


Boiling water, soft if possible; at least ½ liter (2 cups) per person
Loose tea leaves, a strong black variety such as Assam or Ceylon; about 2 tablespoons per liter (or quart) plus 1 more teaspoon "for the pot".
Rock sugar, locally called Kluntjes; 1 piece per person
Cream; 1 teaspoon per serving


A cream spoon
Rinse out the teapot with boiling water to warm it. Pour the water out, then add the tea leaves.
Fill the pot halfway with water that has cooled slightly from the boiling point.
Put the lid on the teapot and allow the tea to steep for three to four minutes.
Add the rest of the water.
Place one piece of rock sugar into each cup.
Pour the tea through a strainer into the cups. The rock sugar will start to crackle in the hot liquid.
Using a cream spoon (shaped like a teaspoon-sized ladle) or teaspoon, gently lower a spoonful of cream into the tea so that it forms a "cloud". Do not stir the tea.

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