Sunday 20 November 2016



1 cup Paneer (Cottage cheese)

1 cup sugar

2  table spoon lemon juice

1/2 tsp rose essance

Sliced pistachios and almonds for garnish


Boil Milk, once the milk comes to a boil add the lemon juice.  The milk will start curdling. Remove from fire and pour the curdled milk into a muslin cloth and drain out all the excess water ( for better results, hang the muslin cloth for 2 or 3 hrs).  

Once all the water drains out, remove paneer from the muslin cloth. 

Heat a pan, add the paneer and sugar. Keep stiring for 10 mins until the suger gets completely mixed with paneer. Add the rose essence.

Remove from fire and pour this into a butter coated plate. After the mixture cools down make them into round balls. Decorate the top with sliced pistachios and almonds.

Sandesh is ready to be served.

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