Tuesday 23 February 2016

Pelakai Da Adye - Jackfruit Gatti


Jack fruit pieces-- 6 cups
boiled rice -- 2 cups
pepper corns -- 1 tsp
salt to taste 
cardamom -- 2
jaggery scrapings -- 100gms
coconut pieces --- 1 gadi
sagwan leaves --- 7-8 ( as in pic 1)


1. Soak the rice overnight or 4- 5 hrs.
2. Wash and drain the rice.
3. In a grinder, first grind rice, salt, pepper, cardamom, coconut scrapings for a while. Add the Jackfruit pieces and then grind for sometime. Lastly add the jaggery.
4. Batter need not be very smooth, but not coarse.( as in pic 2)
5. Remove the batter and add coconut pieces, check salt and mix well.
6. Wash and dry the Sagwan leave.
7. Pour the batter on the leaves one by one. Spread with the help of the back of the spoon. Once spread evenly, seal by covering the 4 sides.
8. Fry a banana leaf to get rid of its stiffnes by swiping over the stove (pic7)
9. Place the banana leaf on the base of the steamer above the water compartment and arrange the sealed spreads in a steamer /Tondoor neatly.
10. Steam in a tandoor for 30-45 min.
11. Tasty JACKFRUIT GATTI is ready to eat.

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