Tuesday 23 February 2016

Salmon pesto parcels


100g breadcrumbs
1 tablespoon pesto
Zest of a lemon
Juice from half a lemon
30 g butter
6 sheets of filo pastry
2 x 170g salmon fillets, skin removed and checked for pin bones
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper


Preheat the oven to 200° C (400° F - gas 6), [fan oven 180° C & reduce cooking time by 10 mins per hour]
Mix the pesto, lemon juice and zest, breadcrumbs together and season to taste
Melt the butter in a small pan and lay a sheet of filo pastry onto a dry cutting board. Brush with melted butter, add another sheet and rush with butter. repeat until you have two stacks of 3 sheets of pastry
Place a salmon fillet in the centre of each filo stack and top with the pesto mix
Gather the top of the pastry to seal the parcel and brush with the remaining butter
Bake on a non-stick baking sheet or bake o glide for 25 minutes

Serve immediately

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